B2 - Oil Treatment
Oil Additive / Treatment
201ml - 300ml

Bardahl B2 Oil Treatment is an engine oil additive to reduce oil consumption and restore the lost engine power
of older cars. It contains Bardahl's 'Polar Attraction' formula.

There are many causes for the oil consumption of an engine.
First, the average consumption is seen by the manufacturer as acceptable. An engine may consume a small
amount of oil as long as it remains within the standard consumption limit.

Abnormal oil consumption can be caused by:
 Mechanical wear
 Over-set requirements or overload
 Unfavourable working conditions

All these unusual oil consumptions can be radically stopped with Bardahl B2 Oil Treatment. The YORK research
laboratory in Stanford, Connecticut, showed that oil consumption could be reduced by 100% in many cases.

The problem

Oil consumption due to mechanical wear is one of the most common causes.
As engines age, the piston rings and cylinder walls begin to wear out. Space is created between the piston and
cylinder wall, and the oil can escape to the combustion chamber. In the combustion chamber, this oil is
partially burned. The unburned part causes exhaust smoke, a sign of significant wear and tear. As the engine
gets warmer, the oil (also multigrade) becomes thin, and more oil will escape. This causes more smoke, coal
deposits, and contaminated spark plugs.
At the same time, fuel fumes and exhaust gases will escape along with the piston rings (blow-by), resulting in
loss of compression and power.

How it works

Bardahl's world-famous B2 Oil Treatment is a combination of two products, a viscosity improver (prevents oil
consumption) and an anti-wear additive (prevents even more wear). The viscosity improver gives the engine oil
more body and thus forms a better seal between piston and cylinder wall. This prevents blow-by, and the
exhaust smoke will disappear entirely in many cases. The compression is restored, which automatically makes
more power available again.

At the same time, Bardahl's famous anti-wear components ensure that the vital engine parts are covered with
a thin but powerful lubricating film. This stops the wear and tear and provides thousands of kilometers of
carefree driving pleasure. With this additional property, this product distinguishes itself significantly compared
to other similar products


Add the product to a hot, idling engine. Add 10% to the engine oil with each oil change (not above the
maximum oil level). In extreme cases, up to 20% can be added.
Bardahl 2 Oil Treatment can be added to any oil.


Bardahl B2 Oil Treatment is easy to use and significantly cheaper than installing new piston rings. B2 is often
referred to as "an overhaul in a can.”
When an engine has run more than or has excessive oil 60.000 km consumption, Bardahl B2 Oil Treatment is
the best guarantee at a high cost.